WIP Show
Prototyping the exhibition for the WIP Show.
I wanted to create a way of controlling all three of the objects individuallly at the WIP show.
To allow me to do this I had to add a non-eyebrow controlled form of interaction with the system.
I used a Linear Potentiometer (slider) and an arduino reading through the serial port into Puredata. The slider gives readings between 0 and 127 and I mapped these in arduino using the Map function to be scaled down to 0-4. For example 0-32 became 0, 33-65 became 1 and so on.
Sections of the slider corresponded to an object. Far left meant all off, then skateboard, pinball & last slider on the far right.
This allowed the user to essentially turn the data off that was running to each of the objects - which meant that your eyebrows were only controlling one of the objects at a time. However, it also meant that the objects were blindly 'cut' off - so if the last bit of data through to the skateboard was moving it forward or backward, it would continue to read that, rather than automatically switching off. This became an issue pretty quickly.
Since the WIP show never happened, here I detail the techinical work I had done in preporation for it.
This shows the proposed setup of three Eyebrow Controlled Objects (EBC Objects), Pinball, RC Skateboard & Fruit Slicer.

On the table you can see a linear potentiometer (slider) which is being used to switch between sending data to each of the EBC objects. This allows the user of the exhibition to control each object one at a time.
Here you can see the webcam which is slightly deassembled and mounted inside a board mount to be attached to the exhibition boards in the FabLab.
For the WIP show setup the three objects had a combined software sketch in Puredata which allowed the linear potentiometer to selecte between each object. This meant people attending the WIP show could either turn all of the objects off, or select one by one between each.

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