ESP32 EBC Pinball
ESP32 development of the original game to make it IOT enabled.
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ESP32 development of the original game to make it IOT enabled.
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This is a guide to taking a project based on Arduino and locally controlled and translating it onto ESP32 Dev Boards as to allow it to be controlled by processing via I will show two examples - controlling the project with keyboard keys & controlling it with your eyebrows!
These are the files listed in the Repository:
"Creating a Namespace" Guide to creating your own namespace and all access token on
"RECIEVE_PINBALL" Arduino sketch to be uploaded to ESP32 for ESP32 EBC Pinball.
"images" Folder to host all the images hosted in this README.
"processing_eyebrow_send" Processing sketch to send data from faceOSC to
"proccessing_key_send" Processing sketch to send data from your keyboard to
"" is this mark down file that contains the text in the resporitory.
An ESP32 is a microcontroller board used for the development of WiFi & Bluetooth enabled projects.
Any ESP32 Dev board that you can buy should be fine as long as it works! However for ease of use, getting a pre-solded board with mounts makes prototyping much easier & faster. I also chose to get a board that resembles an Arduino which makes it a little more friendly and easy to understand.
This one was a little more expensive than the others but in my opinion is worth it for the ease of use and setup.
The setup on an ESP32 and an Arduino is almost identialy except that the pins are different. In the code you use pins 13 and 14 and these are labeled on the ESP32 as IO13 and IO14.
Setting up an ESP32 Dev Board with the Arduino IDE is not obvious or well documented, but here is what you need to do.
Go to: File, Preferences, then Paste the below into the Additional Boards Manager URLs. " "
Then Navigate to Tools and ensure all of the settings are the same as these.
You then need to go to Boards Manager, search for 'ESP32' and install the driver that comes up.
Then select 'Port' and click the relevant port for your ESP32 Dev Board.
The Arduino IDE is now setup for use with the ESP32 Board, and this is universal for any sketch or work you are doing with an ESP32.
If you are having issues try referring to this:
and this:
Here I am discussing the above example in the folder RECIEVE_pinball which is being used to allow a minature pinball machine to recieve data from to trigger the pinball machine, in this case the data is dictated by the height of the users eyebrows.
The sketch begins with the libary initialisers. We are using 3 in this example.
#include #include #include
'WiFi.h' allows you to use wifi, 'MQTT.h' allows you to connect using MQTT. For this particular example we are using Servo Motors, unlike using an arduino in which you would use the normal arduino servo library 'Servo.h', we need to use a libary that is compatible with ESP32 - and so we use the library 'Servo_ESP32.h'.
Servo_ESP32 servoA; Servo_ESP32 servoB;
We then initialise the two servos we are using.
int Rval = 0; int valA; int valB; const char* eyebrows = "/eyebrows"; const char ssid[] = "wifi4daboys"; const char pass[] = "Waffles666";
We then initialise all of the integers used in the sketch, aswell as creating a constant char for eyebrows. And finally we create strings for the ssid and password of your wifi, in my case the wifi name is changed to "wifi4daboys" and our wifi password is "Waffles666", but a more normal example might be an ssid of "BT-5RA555" and "Password123"... whatever your wifi is called and the corresponding password.
WiFiClient net; MQTTClient client; unsigned long lastMillis = 0;
Next we establish the WiFi Client and MQTT Client and establish an unsigned long for time passing in milliseconds to begin at 0.
void connect() { while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {} while (!client.connect("recieve", "90a85098", "a7fed12984960679")) {} client.subscribe(eyebrows); }
Okay! Now into the running code - here we establish a connection with This block of code is ran later on within the setup when "connect()" is called. You will need to change the two chunks of numbers and letters ( "90a85098", "a7fed12984960679"), known as the 'Key' and 'Secret' to the corresponding ones from your own namespace. How to do that linked here: Creating a Namespace
void messageReceived(String &topic, String &payload) { if (topic==eyebrows) { Rval = payload.toInt(); } }
This block of code is executed when "messageReceived()" is called in the setup within "client.onMessage" it takes the String message that arrives from the topic eyebrows and places it into an integer called "Rval".
void setup() { servoA.attach(13); servoB.attach(14); WiFi.begin(ssid, pass); client.begin("", net); client.onMessage(messageReceived); connect(); }
Here we have the setup. You can see servo A and b are attached to pins 13 and 14 on the ESP32. We initiallise the Wifi and pass in the Strings of the wifi name and password (ssid & pass). The MQTT client connects to the broker, and begins listening to messages. "connect()" is called which runs the above mentioned "void connect" code.
void loop() { client.loop(); delay(10);
if (!client.connected()) { connect(); }
if (client.connected()) { valB = 180-valA; if(Rval == 1) // frown { valA = 180; servoA.write(valA); servoB.write(valB); } else if(Rval == 2) //raise { valA = 90; servoA.write(valA); servoB.write(valB); } else //neutral { valA = 180; servoA.write(valA); servoB.write(valB); } delay(15); } }
Here we have the loop. At the beginning of the loop we connect to the client. Here we use valA and valB to control servoA and servoB respectively, and so we establish that valB is 180 - valA so that the angle of the servos is inverted for the pinball machine. Then once this has happened there is some simple "if, else if, else" logic that is determining whether the Rval integer - which is taken from the String message sent via (from processing and ultimately from your eyebrows) - matches either a 1 or a 2, and depending on which of these is true it changes the angle of the servo motors.
And that sums up the explaination of the arduino code.
You will need to use the processing sketch Processing Key Send to test if this is working.
This, and the "Processing Eyebrow Send" code is also compatible with the "Open Source Pong" Digital Example from The Face Control Kit. And that is why you get the option of 1, 2 and 3 to be send - since the Pong example uses both a "Raise", "Neutral" and "Frown" pose as control triggers. However, in this particular example we are only using "Raise" and "Neutral", raise to trigger the pinball paddles and neutral in all other cases.
You need to go to Sketch>Import Library> Add Library. Search for mqtt, install this library.
import mqtt.*; MQTTClient client:
Here we import the mqtt library into process and establish this sketch as a client.
void setup() { size(360, 360); client = new MQTTClient(this); client.connect("mqtt://", "processing via keys");
client.publish("/eyebrows", "0"); background(0, 0, 250); }
Here we have the setup. "size(360, 360)" draws a canvas of that size. We then establish the sketch as a mqtt cleint again and use the namespace token address to connect to our namespace. "processing via keys" names the sketches location in the namespace so that when messages are passed into you can see they are from this sketch.
I then send a one of "0" message to the namespace to the namespace to ensure that the pins begin in the downward position (and in open source pong this establishes the paddle as not moving - it also means that if you were to modify the RC Skateboard example to be wifi enabled, it would establish itself as not moving.) "background(0, 0 , 250)" sets the background to blue in accordance to the colour coding later on.
void draw() {}
in this example the draw loop is empty because there is no code that continually happens without a different function happening.
void keyPressed() { if (key == '1') { //1 client.publish("/eyebrows", "1"); //raise background(250, 250, 0); rect(170, 25, 25, 300); } else if (key == '2') { //2 client.publish("/eyebrows", "2"); //frown background(0, 250, 0); rect(150, 25, 25, 300); rect(190, 25, 25, 300); } else if (key == '3') { //3 //neutral client.publish("/eyebrows", "0"); background(0, 0, 250); rect(130, 25, 25, 300); rect(170, 25, 25, 300); rect(210, 25, 25, 300); } delay(15); }
Here we have the keyPressed function. In this case detects which key is being pressed (1, 2 or 3) and runs a small amount of code for each of these scenarios. Firstly it publishes a message in the form of a string of "1", "2", or "3", dependant on which key is pressed, to the /eyebrows topic. For each different option it sets the background to a different colour and draws either 1 2 or 3 rectangles on the screen to represent each selection.
void clientConnected() { println("client connected");
client.subscribe("/hello"); }
void messageReceived(String topic, byte[] payload) { println("new message: " + topic + " - " + new String(payload)); }
void connectionLost() { println("connection lost"); }
Here we have the rest of the code required to allow processing to connect to properly. To be completely honest I'm not sure what's going on here but Joel from does! You can see the Documentation page for more info.
If you have this running properly it will be allowing you to control the pinball with the number keys on your keyboard! The next step is to get it running with your eyebrows.
Here we incorporate the osc library to recieve OSC messages from FaceOSC.
Download and Install FaceOSC On Mac, to override your security settings and open the app, find FaceOSC via Finder (and not launchpad) control-click the app icon, then choose Open from the shortcut menu.
The example code we are using here is Eyebrow_Send.
You need to go to Sketch>Import Library> Add Library. Search for oscp5, install this library. Search for netP5, install this library.
import oscP5.; // Load OSC P5 library import netP5.; // Load net P5 library import mqtt.*; // Load mqtt library float eyebrow;
MQTTClient client;
OscP5 oscP5; NetAddress myRemoteLocation;
Here again we import libraries and initialise aspects of mqtt and OSCp5.
The "void setup()" section of code is identical except for this line
oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 8338);
This initialises the oscP5 library and begins listening on this sketch to port 8338, which is the default port for faceOSC to output data to.
void draw() { if (eyebrow > 7.3 && eyebrow < 8.5){ //anywhere from 7.3 to 8.5 = neutral background(0, 0, 250); rect(130, 25, 25, 300); rect(170, 25, 25, 300); rect(210, 25, 25, 300); textSize(32); text("neutral", 10, 30); fill(0, 102, 153); } else if (eyebrow < 7.3) { // below 7 frown background(0, 250, 0); rect(150, 25, 25, 300); rect(190, 25, 25, 300); textSize(32); text("frown", 10, 30); fill(0, 102, 153); } else if (eyebrow > 8.5) { //above 8.5 raise background(250, 250, 0); rect(170, 25, 25, 300); textSize(32); text("raise", 10, 30); fill(0, 102, 153); } }
This draw loop takes the data from the float "eyebrow" which is reading the height of your eyebrow via faceOSC, and draws a different coloured background onto the sketch, and the numbers 3, 2 or 1 depending on the equivalent within key send dependent on the eyebrow height - for a "raise", "neutral" or "frown" pose. It also displays text for this on the sketch.
void oscEvent(OscMessage theOscMessage) { if (theOscMessage.checkAddrPattern("/gesture/eyebrow/left")==true) { float firstValue = theOscMessage.get(0).floatValue(); eyebrow = firstValue; //get osc data for left eyebrow and put it into float "eyebrow"
Here the osc library is checking for osc events and messages - an if statement then sorts the path to the left eyebrow. It takes the value from this as a float, then converts it into the float "eyebrow".
if (eyebrow > 7.3 && eyebrow < 8.5){ //from 7.3 to 8.5 = neutral client.publish("/eyebrows", "0"); } else if (eyebrow < 7.3) { // below 7 = frown client.publish("/eyebrows", "2"); } else if (eyebrow > 8.5) { //above 8.5 = raise client.publish("/eyebrows", "1"); } delay(15); } }
Here we use the eyebrow value and some simple thresholds to define whether the eyebrow position is in "raise", "neutral" or "frown". We then publish a message to dependent on this. Both this and the "key_send" sketch send either 0, 1 or 2. This means that the Arduino sketch is compatible with both "key_send" and "eyebrow_send".
void clientConnected() { println("client connected");
client.subscribe("/hello"); }
void messageReceived(String topic, byte[] payload) { println("new message: " + topic + " - " + new String(payload)); }
void connectionLost() { println("connection lost"); }
More code to ensure communication to is working correctly.
At this point, you have everything together to get your eyebrows controlling the ESP32 enabled EBC Pinball working. All you need to do is:
Open FaceOSC
Run the Eyebrow_Send Processing Sketch.
Plug the ESP32/Pinball Machine into a power source (this can be a battery pack since the system is wireless).
Your eyebrows should be controlling the paddles on the pinball machine!
If you are having issues, test with the Key_Send sketch first to ensure is working.
Congratulations! if you have it working, this means you have an:
open source,
eyebrow controlled,
wifi enabled,
mini pinball machine.
In theory, you understand the ideas of:
distributed design,
face control & expressive interaction,
internet of things,
You are now equipped to prototype and develop your ideas within any of these areas of design!